My book with University of California Press was published April 2024.

It’s called Countering Dispossession, Reclaiming Land: A social movement ethnography.

Order the book here

Other recent publications include:

Shutting down the machines of destruction: Possibilities for agrarian life on the protest blockade. D.E. Gilbert. Antipode: Journal of Radical Geography. 2023

Firestorm: Critical approaches to forest death and life. Eds. D.E. Gilbert and M Greenleaf.  Fieldsights, Society for Cultural Anthropology. 2021.

Firescapes, smoke, and woe. D.E. Gilbert. Fieldsites, Society for Cultural Anthropology. 2021.

Laborers becoming ‘peasants’: Agroecological politics in a Sumatran plantation zone. D.E. Gilbert. Journal of Peasant Studies. 2020.

The land exclusion dilemma and Sumatra’s agrarian reactionaries. D.E. Gilbert and Afrizal. Journal of Peasant Studies. 2019.

The ‘Capitalist Squeeze’ and the Rise and Fall of Sumatra’s Krui Agroforests. D.E. Gilbert. Human Ecology. 2017.

Territorialization in a closing commodity frontier: The Yasuni Rainforests of West Amazonia. D.E. Gilbert. Journal of Agrarian Change. 2017.

Policy perils of ignoring uncertainty in oil palm research. D.E. Gilbert (10th author). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2012.

I use methods of ethnography, archival research, and critical analysis of mapping and satellite photography. 

I am the recipient of more than fifteen grants. Major support includes:

Wenner-Gren Foundation, National Science Foundation, Social Science Research Council, National Geographic, Henry Luce Foundation, and Fulbright Foundation.

Part of my work includes photo-ethnography, short writings, and interviews in a range of outlets:

NPR’s All Things Considered. Could this be an eco-friendly alternative to palm oil? December 19, 2019.

Why are environmental activists under attack? (Interview) Al Jazeera English. August 7, 2019

Palm Oil Companies are Destroying the Forests in Indonesia and Malaysia. Some Communities Are Fighting Back. DE Gilbert. Earth Island Journal Winter 2013.

Economic headwinds buffet once-resilient Sumatran forests. (Interview) October 2017

Indonesia: Forestry failures jeopardize green growth (Photography) Human Rights Watch. July 2013